
  • Illuminati Game



    This is the classic triangular folk peg game often found at Cracker Barrel restaurants done Illuminati style with a hand carved block print of the All Seeing Eye. Illuminati Game by J.E.Moores of JEMTOY.

  • Best in the World!

    Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Swamp Boggers in the book SNOTGRASS by J.E.Moores.  

  • Toys at Gibbs Library

    Gibbs Library in Washington, Maine has some of my Mythical Maine JEMTOYs on display to support the launch of my book, Snotgrass which contains all kinds of strange critters that creep through the muck and mire of Maine. If you’re in the area, take a photo in front of the display case and tag me –…

  • Kindle Countdown Promo


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    It’s spring! The weather is getting warmer, so it’s time to make toys!!! April 18 download the Kindle version of How To Make Resin Toys for only .99 cents! Each day the price slowly returns to full retail price. Act fast and get the book at the best price you can! See chart above for…

  • New Kindle App for Wooden Legs


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    It has come to my attention that King James got the Kindle App for his wooden leg just in time for the All Fools Day free promo of my book, Snotgrass. Download my book Snotgrass for free starting April 1st, or get the paperback version for your shelf. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then wonder…

  • Ripped Off Again!


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    Philly Lou Bird is upset that he’s part of my book, Snotgrass. Don’t worry, I intend to donate half the profits to protect the endangered mythical creatures here in Maine. Be sure and do your part, download the Kindle version of Snotgrass today, and have a laugh or two. Here’s a preview from the book,…

  • Spring is here!

    Philly Lou Bird, Swamp Bogger, and the Yupapotamus are all characters found in my book, Snotgrass. If you enjoy Maine humor, bouffant hairdos, or stories of strange mythical creatures, check it out on Amazon as a Kindle Download.  

  • Spring Has Sprung


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    It’s been a long winter here in Maine. It’s been especially rough on Philly Lou Bird who forgot to migrate south. These characters are in my latest book called Snotgrass. It is full of Maine Humor, Bouffant Hairdos, and Mythical Beasts. Check it out!

  • How To Make Resin Toys


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    How To Make Resin Toys: Amazon Kindle – Order Printed Book  I have been an art teacher since 1984, so it comes naturally to me to share what I know with others. Whenever I am in the art studio making stuff, I enjoy photographing the process from start to finish. Way back I remember wanting to make toys…

  • Beware the Pogonip!


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    I grew up in Maine, and my grandfather always farmed using his Old Farmer’s Almanac as a resource. Every winter the almanac warns: Beware the Pogonip. I remember not knowing what Pogonip was, so my young imagination came up with some sort of winter beast that preyed on small unsuspecting Maine kids. Later on I found…